A new Swiss podcast for you to enjoy
July 7, 2021, No comments
Here it is: a new monthly podcast featuring yours truly. And of course, it’s all about Switzerland. Every month. Yes, there really is that much to talk about.
It started with an email from Daniel Shalom at Rigby, a staffing and IT services company in Zurich. He wanted to do an interview with me for his series called The Way I Work, and he seemed like a nice guy so I said yes. It was fun to do and we decided to take it to the next level:
A monthly podcast.
First the title, and that came from my newest book, The Expert Guide to Your Life in Switzerland. That came out last year and really does what is says on the cover, gving advice and tips on every aspect of life in this lovely country. It’s published by Bergli Books in Basel.
If we were going to have a podcast, then we’d need a cool logo. So I asked my friend Joanne Finnegan (who I wrote about earlier this year) if she’d create one for us – and she came up trumps. A totally gorgeous and unique piece of art that is just perfect.
Every month Daniel and I will chat about anything and everything to do with Switzerland. So that might be politics or history, advice on living here, tips on train trips and much much more. If there’s anything you want us to feature or discuss, then let me know in the comments.
This first episode covers the seven things you always wanted to know about life in Switzerland. It’s based on actual questions I get asked when I speak at events, such as what’s the best chocolate or was William Tell real. Have a listen and find out if we’ve answered your questions.
You can listen to us via Apple Podcasts, on the Rigby website or Spotify (here below).
Next month we will be discussing direct democracy in Switzerland.