The anglification of Switzerland
July 1, 2014, 23 Comments
Switzerland has four national languages but a fifth is becoming more and more obvious: English.
LEARN MORE ›July 1, 2014, 23 Comments
Switzerland has four national languages but a fifth is becoming more and more obvious: English.
LEARN MORE ›May 18, 2012, 17 Comments
When is a car not a car? When it’s in Switzerland, of course, where it’s something else completely.
LEARN MORE ›June 15, 2011, 3 Comments
For the past few weeks I’ve been making little video podcasts about Swissness. The very first one featured a coconut which...
LEARN MORE ›July 16, 2010, 13 Comments
In my beginner’s guide to Swissness, I suggested that learning Swinglish was one way to become more Swiss, so here’s a guide to...
LEARN MORE ›June 4, 2010, 36 Comments
It’s the opening round of Family Fortunes (or 5Gegen5 if you’re reading this in Switzerland). The host says, “We asked 100 people to...