Slow Train is coming in German and French

September 20, 2014, 1 Comment

German and French editions

Der langsame Zug kommt and le train lent vient. In other words the exciting news is that the German and French translations of Slow Train to Switzerland are on their way to bookshops. Publication date for both editions is 6 October, the same date as the English edition being released in paperback outside the UK. You wait ages for a book and then three arrive on the same day!

Deutsche Ausgabe übersetzung von Slow Train to SwitzerlandIn German the book is called Immer Schön Langsam and is being published in hardback by Piper Malik Verlag in Munich, just as Der Schweizversteher was. The subtitle is a little long but says what it needs to say: ‘Eine Zeitreise durch die Schweiz auf den Spuren von Thomas Cook’. And in case you want to tell your Swiss friends and neighbours about it, here’s a short blurb:

‘Eine viktorianische Lady nahm an der ersten von Thomas Cook geführten Tour über die Alpen teil. Eineinhalb Jahrhunderte später folgte Diccon Bewes mit dem Zug ihrer Spur – und gönnt sich den Luxus der Langsamkeit. Eine charmante Entdeckungsreise durch die Schweiz von damals und heute sowie zu den Anfängen des modernen Tourismus.’

Traduction et édition française de Slow Train to SwitzerlandThe French edition has the same publisher as Le Suissologue and that’s Helvetiq in Lausanne. This edition is called Un train pour le Suisse, and looks lovely: I have my advance copy already. Here’s a blurb to impress your friends:

‘En juin 1863, une jeune femme anglaise nommée Jemima entreprend le voyage d’une vie pour découvrir la Suisse. Le guide n’est autre que Thomas Cook. Plus d’un siècle et demi plus tard, l’écrivain voyageur Diccon Bewes décide de s’aventurer sur leurs traces et de récouvrir ce qu’ils ont vu. S’aidant du carnet de voyage retrouvé de la jeune femme, il parle de la Suisse d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, des différentes manières de voyagers et de ce que le voygae a changé Jemima et en lui.’

The German edition can already be ordered either in your local bookshop or online through these links.

The French edition will be online soon, as will both ebooks. For the English editions, please see this page.

Gute Reise and bon voyage!

One Comment on "Slow Train is coming in German and French"

  1. Patrick Bergen Saturday April 2nd, 2016 at 01:39 PM · Reply

    Dear Diccon,
    I’m one of your numerous “groupies” (as they say in French) having read and strongly recommended your books, especially Swisswatching in the 3 languages! Being a translator and a railroad fan, I enjoy your other books as well and I’ve already attended your talks…
    The purpose of this note is to enquire about having you speak in front of the Swiss Association of Translators, Interpreters and Terminologists. For obvious reasons, we cherish people like you, especially if your books exist in other “Official” Swiss languages. Of course were following the developments of your upcoming dictionary on Swinglish …
    First question: would you basically agree?
    Second: Dates would be this coming 21 May, in Bern, for the ASTTI annual “General assembly”. The 2 other possibilities are at the end of September (World Translation Day) and end of October 2016, also in Bern.
    In addition, we’ve thought of a sort of “comparative” debate with Christoph Buechi, whom you might know for having written “Mariage de raison” on the issue of multi-lingualism and-culturalism in Switzerland.. We’re approaching him as well.
    Should we “enter into matter” (“entrer en matière”/”eintreten”) we can have a chat over the phone or anywhere you prefer. I’m flexible!
    I’d appreciate a quick answer to this mail as to the basics, before we get in touch by phone.
    Until then “All the Best” (Tout de Bon, in Swiss French) and “Until Soon”
    Patrick Bergen
    032 753 06 83

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